Emergency Dental Treatments for Registered Patients

Any registered patient in need of emergency dental treatment should call the practice (01386 41569) during working hours. The earlier during the day you are able to call, the sooner we will be able to facilitate treatment. 

Working Hours

  • Monday: 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM

  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM

  • Wednesday: 8:15 AM – 5:15 PM

  • Thursday: 8:30 AM – 5:15 PM

  • Friday: 8:30 AM – 5.15 PM

Emergency Dental Treatments for New Patients

We do offer emergency appointments for new patients subject to appointment availability. Existing regularly attending patients and plan patients will take priority for available appointments. If you would like to register with us, please do not hesitate to contact us today and book your check up.

For emergencies outside normal opening hours: Denplan/ Simply Health Patients should call: 0800 844 999

Patient Plan Patients should follow the instructions below or find an emergency dentist and Claim on their Hiscox Insurance Policy


Out of Hours Urgent Care

This service provides urgent treatment for patients at the weekend and bank holidays. This is a walk in, sit and wait service. Please check the opening times provided for each clinic.

The clinic is drop-in, walk in service and generally patients will be seen on a first come, first served basis.

The number of patients who can be seen is limited and so people with the following problems will be prioritised.

• Trauma
• Swelling
• Uncontrolled bleeding e.g. after an extraction
• Severe pain

After 6pm an advice line is available for Worcestershire residents Tel: 111

In the event of severe trauma, uncontrolled swelling or bleeding you may access care via your nearest Accident and Emergency department

Where are the clinics?

Worcester Dental Access Centre

91 Lowesmoor
Tel: 01905 681796

Monday to Friday – 1.30-5.00– Patients must arrive before 3.00pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 9.00- 12.30 – Patients must arrive before 11.00am